Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Year: 2011
Working with a group of graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech, The Geometer is an urban intervention directly on the Atlanta Beltline which promotes both physical and visual relationships as a through conditions for users of the corridor and as a visual link, or stitch, between the Beltline and the adjacent neighborhoods of Ansley Park and Ansley Mall. The structure transforms the humblest of materials, stud grade 2x4's, into an inticately woven self-supporting lattice-work through the use of parametric modeling and 5-Axis CNC technology. The multi-order twisting hexagonal geometry modulates light and view for users while creating a visual landmark on the Beltline from key points in the environment.
Project Team: Wade Nolan, Alexandra Barletta, Steve Cochoff, & Paul Judin